The Raeco Design-Build Advantage

Design-build offers a streamlined alternative, consolidating planning, design, and construction into one contract. With this method, you partner with a single, experienced team from the get-go. This fosters clear communication and collaboration,ensuring your project runs smoothly and delivers maximum satisfaction.

Here's the kicker: compared to traditional delivery methods where the design team and builder operate separately, design-build offers undeniable advantages. It's no surprise then, that over 40% of non-residential construction now utilizes this efficient and successful approach.

What Are The Characteristics Of Design-Build

The design-build approach has three distinct characteristics.

They are:

  • Instant communication: Efficient communication speeds the construction process, which improves your project timeline.

  • Business without boundaries: With design-build, no physical or geographical boundaries can get in the way of your timeline.

  • Customized products: Design-build gives you the ability to produce products that are custom and not prototypical replications.

Design-Build teams are made up of people who have worked together before. This means they know each other's strengths and weaknesses and can use that knowledge to make the process more streamlined and successful.  

5 advantages Of The Design-Build Method

  1. Team approach

Design-Build shines through its emphasis on teamwork. Unlike traditional methods, the owner and the design-build team become a single unit, all aiming for the same prize: a successful project that surpasses your expectations. The design team forms at the outset, fostering clear communication from the start. This collaborative approach ensures everyone's invested in finding solutions when challenges arise, whether they be design tweaks, budget adjustments, or construction hurdles.Everyone's on the same page, working together to achieve your vision.

2. Single Source Of Accountability

Forget juggling multiple contracts and managing a team of separate professionals! The design-build approach streamlines the entire process by offering a single point of contact. Unlike the traditional design-bid-build method, where you'd select an architect, finalize the design, bid the project, then choose a contractor, design-build keeps everything under one roof.This fosters collaboration and encourages teamwork from the very beginning. Building strong relationships during the design phase sets the stage for faster project delivery and a guaranteed successful construction experience.

3. Continuity In Workflow

With the same team on board from the design phase all the way through construction, efficiency and effectiveness soar.The contractor's familiarity with their team's skill sets allows for optimized task planning and construction scheduling.Additionally, existing camaraderie among the workers fosters a harmonious work environment, leading to even greater productivity on the job site.

4. Reduced Project Costs

By combining design and construction under one roof, the design-build method offers significant cost savings for project owners. The design-build team is highly motivated to streamline the process, minimizing design changes during construction. This eliminates costly disputes over additional features and delays caused by communication breakdowns.Additionally, early material procurement with the design-build approach can further optimize project costs.

5. Customizable

Design-Build lets you ditch the pre-fab approach and work hand-in-hand with a team of designers and builders. This collaborative process allows for complete customization, perfect for projects like manufactures. Every manufacture has unique needs – from specialized equipment to work flow – that a one-size-fits-all design can't meet. Design-Build lets your staff and the design team work together to craft a layout that maximizes efficiency and perfectly suits your specific requirements. It's like having a custom suit tailored to your business needs, ensuring a perfect fit and optimal functionality.

*BONUS - Faster Project Completion

Design-Build projects can be completed in a shorter amount of time for several reasons, including:

  • Bid time is reduced

  • Scheduling for the project can begin before the design is finalized

  • Potential construction problems are uncovered early

  • Enhanced communication keeps everything moving

Beyond the core design-build benefits, Raeco Builders brings additional advantages to your steel building project:

  • Over 23 Years of Experience: We have a proven track record of success in delivering high-quality, cost-effective steel buildings for businesses across the region.

  • Pre-Engineered Steel Expertise: We specialize in pre-engineered steel building solutions, known for their durability, speed of construction, and cost-efficiency.

  • Local Knowledge & Focus: As a Sioux Falls and Rapid City-based company, we understand the local building codes and regulations, ensuring your project complies with all requirements.

  • Commitment to Quality: We use only the highest-grade materials and employ skilled construction crews to ensure your steel building is built to last and withstands the harsh South Dakota elements.

Ready to get started? Contact Raeco Builders today for a free consultation and discover how our design-build approach can turn your steel building vision into a reality.

Contact Raeco today for a consultation on your next project.

Main Office: 605-271-0897

Toll Free: 877-59-RAECO
