How to Choose A General Contractor
How to choose a general contractor in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Your business is ready to expand, but you are not sure what is needed? Hiring a General Contractor is the important step in the process. Here at Raeco, we know that trying to understand how important it is to know your stuff before investing. We’ve compiled a six item list for you to consider when building.
Your General Contractor should be bonded and insured for work in your area.
A General Contractor located in your area, understands the requirements upheld by the city and state. It also benefits you, the client, as communication will be easier as well. This is important for a variety of reasons. One, if they are not insured, that means if there is an injury to a worker, it will likely become your liability.
Think of a General Contractor in your region.
Having a General Contractor that works in the surrounding community is helpful for any issues, as well as being able to communicate well. You are also pouring back into the community, as the workers are local too. Raeco works in the surrounding Sioux Falls region area. Reach out to people you have contacts with to see what General Contractor they have used. Do your research to see if the company you want to hire is the best choice for you.
A Contractor that specializes in what you need, is a must.
A General Contractor that understands the process and has experience in what you need has many benefits. Many include: architecture design to fit needs, understanding the bottom line for their clients, and understanding how to work with the customers constraints.
Raeco takes the time with clients to build out a proper plan, including a multidimensional plan of the building. Raeco understands the client’s investment and time constraints.
Look at work samples.
A General Contractor should have multiple samples of the work they have done related to your needs. Video and photos provided help to give a good visual for the client.
Budget, Budget, Budget.
Raeco is all about an honest budget, when they quote a project. Make sure when you buy, you don’t go off the lowest price. If you get a low quote, ask questions. Hidden fees and other expenses can come up, which would be why the quote is so low. If you go with the lowest quote sometimes the old adage “You Get What You Pay For” can apply.
In the end trust your gut. At the end of the day, after your research and review, trust your gut about which contractor best suits your needs.
If you are looking for your next building and are unsure what you need, consider Raeco.
Learn more about Raeco’s General Contracting here.