How General Contractors Save You Time and Money


People ask, why a General Contractor? We say, because of the benefits and ease of mind. Below are 5 things to consider when deciding on hiring a General Contractor.

General Contractor is your single point of contact 

A client who has hired a contractor, alleviates the hassle of negotiating with many different subcontractors and crew workers. The contractor already has existing relationships with subcontractors and crew to get the job done on time and on budget.

Codes and Permits

General Contractors know which building permits to pull. They understand the laws of the area and the city zone requirements. Contractors know everything from HVAC codes to plumbing, truss layouts, electrical loads and structural factors. They understand going above code to make the building and project successful and long lasting.


Contractors have insurance they carry to protect the workers and employees on the job. Without insurance, client’s will likely take the hit and be liable for any injuries that occur. 


Saving time for a client is important to General Contractors. Knowing the investment of time the client’s are taking, means they will plan accordingly to keep it on time. Running behind can drive up costs, and without the contractor, the client is liable to dealing with those deadlines. They are tasked with keeping workers on time, having proper materials for the job, and staying within budget.

Saving Money

Bottom line is the ultimate goal aside from a quality project. General Contractors take the budget of the client seriously, and provide realistic ways to stay within that budget. Having a contractor helps pay you by a smoother design and build process, solid-quality project, and less frustration.

If you are looking for your next General Contractor, consider Raeco. Learn more about our building and construction services here.

PROJECT HIGHLIGHT - See the project we managed with Ideal. The testimonial outlines the major benefits you get with a general contract on your side.